Effective Altruism Bern
Welcome to the EA Bern Community!
Here at EA Bern, we offer a range of opportunities for aspiring EAs to engage with like-minded individuals and make a positive impact in the world. We currently host social meetups, a reading group, and are kickstarting an AI Alignment club. If you have any questions about our activities, or are interested in getting involved, feel free to reach out to bern@effectivealtruism.ch.
Social Meetups
We regularly organise social meetups with the possibility to get to know the effective altruism community from Bern and to talk about plans and projects in a cosy environment. Currently, they take place every second Wednesday, and last Tuesday of the month.
Bern AI Safety
We are a group of students and researchers working toward the long-term safety of artificial intelligence. Our goal is to help ensure that future powerful AI systems are safe.
Visit our website to learn more and to join one of our events.
Upcoming events in Bern.
Check out our calendar for all our upcoming meetups, talks and events! You can also subscribe to this calendar using this link.
Meet our collaborators