EA Switzerland’s Strategy: version 2024

Read the 2024 version of our Strategy on the EA Forum!

This document offers an overview of the strategic vision for EA Switzerland. It is intended to be aspirational—a resource to guide our thinking when we consider our work on a higher level. We intend to review this document yearly.


This document offers an overview of the strategic vision for EA Switzerland. It is intended to be aspirational—a resource to guide our thinking when we consider our work on a higher level. We intend to review this document yearly. In this document, “we” is EA Switzerland’s team.


  • We start with a brief history of EA Switzerland.

  • Then, we follow with an analysis of the characteristics of Switzerland, and in particular the EA Switzerland subcommunity, that we anticipate to be comparative advantages and disadvantages.

  • We describe our values as an association and a community.


In this section, we describe our approach to Effective Altruism (EA) and community building.

  • We lay out our framework, based on the definition of EA as a question:

    • We describe two typical trajectories—Question-First and Answer-First—that people follow in their journey toward impact.

    • We then outline how the two tracks we offer—EA-Principles and Cause-Specific—provide an infrastructure to support people in their journey.

  • Given this framework, we detail our priorities, and how we plan to divide our resources


There, we show what the above approach concretely means for EA Switzerland by outlining the activities that we want to be doing.

  • We present our theory of change: how we see our current activities contributing to our longterm goal—getting more people to have more positive impact.

  • We then suggest an annual calendar displaying our foreseen activities in an ideal year.

  • We introduce our resources for community members and group organizers.


Finally, we offer a glimpse of our processes as a team and an association.


Effective Altruism Switzerland is hiring a Co-Director!