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📍Connect locally

Your journey towards making a meaningful difference can start here. Discover the vibrant array of local groups in our community, each offering unique opportunities to connect, learn, and grow.

Can’t find the group you’re looking for?

Why not start one? Get in touch with our team and we will support you in setting it all up!

🌍 Connect online

  • You're invited to be matched for a 30 minute chat with another community member.

  • Take this online course to learn the key ideas of EA with a small group of like-minded people.

  • Have a browse of upcoming global & virtual events here.

Community Health
Contact Form

We want to provide a safe space to reach out to us, anonymously or not. We want EA Switzerland to be a friendly and welcoming group, and we ask for everyone’s help in maintaining that. If you ever notice a problem or have ideas for things we could improve, please let us know!